The SPMG established by the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation (DoDWS), in the Department's capacity as the Nodal Department for implementing the Namami Gange Program within Uttarakhand, shall act as an autonomous body for achieving the following objectives:
(A) To implement all activities pursuant to the policy and program decisions taken by the SGC with respect to the Namami Gange Program, including the following:
(i) Preparing plans for, and undertaking actions to implement activities to abate pollution in the river Ganga including augmentation of sewerage infrastructure and industrial pollution control, solid waste management and river front development;
(ii) Undertaking all required activities to abate and prevent future pollution of the river Ganga, including promotion of water conservation practices including recycling and reuse, rain water harvesting, and decentralized sewage treatment systems in the State; and striving to maintain minimum ecological flows in the river Ganga with the aim of ensuring water quality and environmentally sustainable development;
(iii) Creating public awareness and engagement; promoting public participation and such other measures to attain environmentally sustainable river basin management;
(iv) On finalization of the Ganga River Basin Management Plan, to formulate State specific Sub-Plans. Implementation of the State River Basin Management Sub-Plan consistent with the Ganga River Basin Management Plan to maintain its water quality, to conserve the river ecology; and to ensure environmentally sustainable development within the Sub-Plan Areas within Uttarakhand State;
(v) Undertake all other activities as directed by SGC.
(B) To undertake, in the medium term, all activities including planning and implementation of activities such as improving and augmenting sewerage, sewage treatment, treatment of industrial effluents, solid waste management and comprehensive river front management so as to ensure that, by 2020 the overall target that no untreated urban wastewater and industrial effluent would flow into the main stem of the river Ganga is met by the State;
(C) To operate as a fully capacitated and effective secretariat to the SGC, and to report to the SGC and NMCG; and to communicate on behalf of SGC when authorized specifically by SGC;
(D) To assess, examine and propose to SGC for adoption institutional arrangements for enhanced implementation of the State part of the Namami Gange program; implementation arrangements and agreements for projects and activities, particularly where participation of the urban local government agencies is needed for sustenance of the investments; innovative financing and project management mechanisms including appropriate public-private partnership arrangements; institutional-legal reforms; and all other necessary capacity and skill building programs that would be required to conserve the river Ganga in the medium and the long term;
(E) To implement the State part of the World Bank assisted "Namami Gange Program" and the respective State part of any other such projects including specific externally assisted projects as decided by the NMCG and the SGC;
(F) To undertake any monitoring or review of the implementation of other programs or activities, including those finance by State Government Agencies, taken up for prevention, control and abatement of pollution in the Ganga Basin within the State; and support to the Department of Environment or the State Pollution Control Board, when specifically directed by the SGC to help enforce the Environment (Protection) Act and/or the Water (Control of Pollution) Act. Management of SPMG: The management and affairs of the SPMG shall be vested with the Governing Council(GC), the Managing Committee (MC), and the Program Director of the SPMG, and shall be exercised as per the powers delineated to them as per the rules and regulations framed for the purposes.
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